Thursday, December 11, 2008

Things I hate!

I'm in a pissy mood today, so no better time to tell you about all the things I hate.

1. When my brother is cranky and treats me like I'm still his annoying 14 yr old sister. HELLOOOO! I'm your annoying 22 yr old sister least give me that.

2. When people promise to help you out with something but never follow through.

3. Boys

4. Hangovers

5. Tummy aches from eating too much pizza at work

6. When people insist you call them at a certain time but are not there when you call

7. When I go to the local coffee hang and they make my London Fog crappy.

8. My cat knocking my book in the toilet

9. People that look at me weird when I'm singing in my car. WTF?! Everyone does it douchebag!

10. The fact that my couch smells kinda funny right now and I'm not really sure why

11. The fact that I'm poor and can no longer afford a housekeeper and so I'm sitting here amongst the seemingly endless array of diet coke cans and random papers.

12. Getting paid tomorrow when I need groceries today!

13. Boys (wait did I say that already?)

14. People that shun me for my smoking. Ya I know it's gross. I don't blow it in your face, or light one up in your car/home but if you're in my car and I light one up don't lecture me and drive your fucking self next time.

15. How girls tend to get way more noticeably drunk than boys do.

16. Douchebaggery

17. Smart Assery when I'm not in the mood

18. Feeling like I need a relationship to be happy. FUCK!

19. Really crappy ass music that gets stuck in your head (ya know how many times I found myself singing Mariah Carey today? Too many times. Thanks Work Radio)

20. Boys that try to trick girls into admitting they masturbate and then act shocked and appalled when they do admit it. I realize that the reaction is most likely due to the attempt at hiding the fact that they are turned on by the thought, but still, let's lay it on the table...GIRLS MASTURBATE JUST AS MUCH AS BOYS! and in my case, probably more.