Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lucky Number 7

Let's face it, the possibility of things working out with G and I, is slim to none. Coming to this realization sincerely made me sad. Not because I have fallen hopelessly in love with him or anything, but because it leaves me to face the fact that there will be a number 7. A seventh notch on my bedpost.

I feel that I need to say, I don't hold sex to be anything sacred. I'm obviously not opposed to casual sex but I didn't think it would get this far. At what point did I cross a line? A line has been crossed...I officially feel like a bit of a skank here, but where did I cross that line.

Number 1 was my first and, sadly, only boyfriend. Over 4 yrs with him and his asshole ways, left me looking for nothing but a fun and amazing sex buddy. I thought I had found that with number 2 (DB). That didn't pan out. But that's okay...2 is not a bad number for a 22 yr old girl. In fact, I thought it was a little low. 3 was Blue and although sleeping with him appeared to be a mistake because it could have been the reason why things didn't work out between us, but I still made a friend out of it and 3 really isn't a bad number at all. 4 (TS) was fun and I was definitely fine with having 4 as my number. And 5...Hands, well I never really got a chance to think about the number 5 because G came into my life so quickly after that. Finally, G makes 6. I was okay with 6 because we were "together" (ya, that deserves an eyeroll) but then it ended and I had to think about how I felt about sleeping with him.

If I had the time to think about 5 before G came along, well I think I would have been able to say "okay, lets leave it at 5 for a while...time to take a break and close those legs." So I guess I crossed the line at 5 (?) I don't know.

But now I sit here, and think...there will be a 7. I don't know if I can be okay with the number 7. So I can't help but think about the fact that I desperately need to get laid! But that would put me at this ridiculous number. I'm left trying to figure out if numbers are just numbers and that it shouldn't matter if I'm at 7 or 17 as long as I'm alright with what I'm doing, or if I should just buy a new vibrator and lock myself in my room. Oh the trials and tribulations of being possibly the most horny girl in the entire world.

Oh and, this morning I ate pie for breakfast. Weeeeeee!


♥ H ♥ said...

Look at it this way, at least you're still in the single digits and not in 10+. I'm 24 and still in the upper single digits but I'm ok with that bc some of my friends are well, above 12-15......7 is not as bad as you think ;)

Young woman on a journey said...

7 is not bad. i'm defintely in double digits. don't even know how i got there. but as superdave commented on one of my blogs, experiences shape who you are (and what you know how to do), so just deal with it you know. i know its hard. take it from me. i have nervous breakdowns about it all the time, cuase most weren't even worth it, but hey, its just me.

Nina said...

i knew a girl in college who was at 8 by the end of one..she slept with a new dude every month.

i think a ridiculous number is like

i've stopped counting..honestly...because its silly to focus on quantity rather than quality. if your quality sucks then thats the time to stop in my humble opinion.