Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

I am:

A computer nerd. I love World of Warcraft. I can play for hours but I don't because I can not afford the $20/month it costs to be on it. I also love The Sims (and am anxiously awaiting the release of The Sims 3.) Sometimes if I play for too long, I start to think in The Sims. For those that play, there are bars at the bottom the show how hungry, tired, happy etc they are. After I've played, and say for example I get up to go to the bathroom, I imagine my "bathroom bar" going back to green. Jeez.

I'm socially awkward. It's why I drink. I don't make friends easily because I have a hard time talking to people.

I keep a budget. I follow a budget. I adjust my budget constantly. I'm obsessed with budgeting. Being in debt scares the shit out of me. I'm having a very difficult time being slightly in debt because of school, even though school is an alright reason to be in debt.

I am severely addicted to reading. I read all sorts of books. My ideal night would involve a nice cup of earl gray tea, a cozy blanket, some good tunes, and a book. I think books are the only thing that keeps me sane. It's like an escape. Even though this is an unfair comparison, I think of it like how a drug addict uses drugs to escape from real life. I escape through books.

I am incredibly unlady like. I burp, fart, and talk about pooping and I'm not ashamed of any of it. I know when it's not the right time to let a loud belch (and trust me, I could win any burping contest, they are loud) and I'm not rude. But sitting with my friends or while at work (I work with all men) I have no problem letting one out. I don't get embarrassed by my farting. And you know how girls quite often feel the need to announce when they have to pee? I will tell you when I have to poo.

I make inappropriate and offensive jokes. I get it from my dad. My favorite joke as a child was "What's more disgusting than 10 dead puppies in a barrel? 1 dead puppy in 10 barrels." They've only gotten more morbid and disturbing as I've grown up. I'm actually a little ashamed of what comes out of my mouth sometimes.

I once said "Fuck the Pope" in front of my Catholic (albeit mostly non-practicing) grandparents. How fucked up is that? I don't really remember the context of it. It must have been something about "the Pope would never approve of that." And "Fuck the Pope" was my response to that comment. It was an accident, I swear.

I've always wanted to be in a fight. I seriously want to punch some girl out. No girl in particular (although right now I can think of at least one girl I'd like to knock out) but I just want to take my aggression out on some snotty mouthed cunt one time, instead of just getting annoyed and walking away.

Since the word has already been said, I might as well add this to the list. I don't find "cunt" to be an offensive word and I usually use it quite regularly.

I can drive manual transmission. I don't ever intend to have an automatic vehicle. I will always drive a standard. Truth be told, it kind of turns me on. I don't know why, there is just something hot about shifting gears. Weird, right?

I'm almost resentful about the people I care about being happy and in love. It's really hard to see everyone I care about being happy with their significant other while I'm all alone. That makes me feel like a bad person.


Nina said...