Friday, January 16, 2009

And here we go again

This will be my 3rd weekend of staying at home like a hermit. I need to lighten my spirits before I attempt to go out. I really don't want to be that girl that everyone hates because she's always so bummed out.

Truth of the matter is, I'm kind of cheerful today (read crazy due to lack of sleep) and wouldn't be opposed to going out, but I've already made plans to clean, do laundry, eat some Mr. Noodle soup and do some homework. Probably followed by some Gilmore Girls or One Tree Hill.

I haven't attempted to go to bed in 5 days. Can you believe that? 5 FUCKING DAYS! I have slept in this time, but because of my loneliness, I find going to a huge empty bed totally depressing. So at my 10:30 bedtime, I get into some nice pj's and curl up on the couch with the remote control. I drift in and out of sleep while watching tv and eventually get up around 5. Obviously I haven't gotten enough sleep in that time, hence the crazy cheerfulness today. Perhaps, tonight will be the night where I sleep in my bed. I think I'll give it a shot.

Being bored at work today left me going through some old emails. I ended up doing a "Best Of" email between me and's some of it for your reading pleasure"

"My neck is way better today, and I'm pretty stoked about my massage. Say that with a British accent, "mass-age." Say it a few times with's a Massage Party! Mass-age. Mass-age. Did you ever watch those British videos in science in high school that talked about aluminum, but they said it, "Aloominyum"? Aloominyum." Says SIS in a fit of sillyness.

And this whole email conversation:

Amanda: I'm drinking a huge cup of gag-worthy coffee right now in hopes of having the wanted effect of, well pooping. Still no go for me.
Ha, just thought you may want to know

SIS: you STILL haven't pooped? Amanda, that's almost a week! Aiee!

Amanda: HaHA! I just went. It was unsatisfying but still a poop!

SIS:yay! speaking of...

i'd hate to go a week. right now i can't go five minutes.

Amanda: uh oh!

"I wish you could hug me too, but I wish your hug was venomous and would kill me, because yes, death is still seeming like a viable option." Says Amanda, I think I was sick with the flu/cold or something

"Any tuna lunch today? "hey, Dan, I brought you a can of tuna. Let's do lunch...tunarifically." No makeouts after that lunch, tho...ugh." Says SIS, I don't really remember what this is about though!

" So I've made my case...rejected by someone who has a habit of "fucking ugly chicks"...truly shameful." Says Amanda in regards to DB before there actually was sex

And there it probably isn't nearly as interesting to you all but I felt like I needed a post with a little substance and not so "I'm so saaaaad" sorta thing.



ColeyMarie said...

Good lord Girly, I hope you've gotten some sleep since this post!

Though, I am an expert at the late night crashes on the couch, waking up only to put disc two of One Tree Hill in the player, and then dozing off again while more people leave Peyton.
