Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No thank you

So during my odd Friday night last week, I made friends with a guy. I've known the guy for a while (we have many mutual friends) but always thought of him as an arrogant douche because he hardly ever said much and kind of had this arrogant look to him. I despised the guy really. But during my drunken Friday night, we managed to strike up a conversation and during that conversation, where my opinion of him changed, I realized he was dead fucking sexy. Totally outta my league though so after our conversation ended and I wandered away, I really didn't think twice about him.

And then, Sunday morning I checked my FB and I had a friend request from him. I happily accepted his friend request and then lurked his profile (read drooled over pictures of him.) Later on in the evening, I was online, he was online so I sent him a quick hello. He messaged me back, we began to chat. We talked a lot about music and we came to the conclusion that he had to borrow one of my cds. I mentioned that I hardly ever run into him so I'm not sure when he'd be able to get that cd. He suggested I go to the pub more often; I said I go all the time, perhaps he should go more often. He suggested a compromise where we both make more of an effort to randomly run into each other at pub. We ended up chatting for over two hours and the more I talked to him, the more I liked him. He's incredibly smart and has great taste in music. So I was a little disappointed in myself, I did not want anymore crushes and this guy was totally out of my league so now I had to work on getting over my crush instead of dwelling in it.

Then, last night, I talked to BFF1 and I mentioned that I had a little crush on someone and she said "oh really?" and then she mentioned that she got a text message from someone asking her if I was single. She said, yes. And then another text asking why I wore a ring on my ring finger then. She said she didn't know but she knew that the ring was from my parents (it's the only finger my ring fits on and I've just been too lazy to have it sized). I asked her who asked her these questions and it was none other than my new crush. Is it safe to say, that this means he's interested?

We spent another two hours talking last night and planned to hopefully run into each other on Friday night. The thing is, now that I know there is potential there, I'm going to be nervous when I run into him and probably say something stupid and not be remotely cute or witty or anything like that. There's major heartbreak potential here.

No more heartbreaks please, I don't know if I can handle another one!


Young woman on a journey said...

the more you stress out about it, the more the potential for heartbreak. take it easy and just be yourself. but reading this post made me smile and excited for you. always good to know your crush is mutual.

ps: resize that ring!

Felicia|DaLipstickBandit said...

amen to yw...dude, you're cant say "no more heartbreak" and seriously, i think everyone needs more sexy men in their lives...

ColeyMarie said...

ha! First things first, one more random thing to add to the "Nicole and Amanda are twins" portfolio. I too, have a ring from my parents that I wear on that finger because I have not gotten around to resizing it in oh, 3 years now. And every single guy asks about it.

Now on to the good stuff. It's amazing what (who,in this case) show up when we either don't want them too, or aren't expecting them too. This whole post made me smile, and I truly hope it all adds up to more time spent with the hot and sexy boy, because yes, you can't go wrong hanging out with the hot and sexy boys. As for the heartbreak? Eh, there's a chance but you can't spend all of your time looking for that... not when there's more important things to think about such as what you're going to wear Friday and what flavor lip gloss he'll enjoy most.
