Wednesday, January 28, 2009

An update

So I was off work today, new swoon-worthy boy happened to be off work as well. He suggested that perhaps we meet up to do the cd exchange. I agreed. We went for a walk around a lake. It was so awkward. We're both so shy and awkward as it is. What happens when you put two shy, awkward people together that have little experience hanging out with one another...extreme awkwardness.

He ended up coming back to my place to watch a movie. There's was definitely no canoodling or even flirting. This makes me question whether or not he likes Sober Amanda, perhaps he just likes Drunk Amanda. Or perhaps this is the first time we've hung out and I shouldn't think so much about it.

This is why I hate crushes. It causes me to think too much about my own flaws and I get incredibly insecure and well, awkward.

Also, I need a nickname for new swoon-worthy boy...any suggestions? (I'm too consumed with replaying the day over and over in my head to think about anything creative for him)


Young woman on a journey said...

perhaps, he's thinking the same as you. he's wondering why you didn't make a move and if you like him when you are sober. if you are both awkward, be awkward. that's what's most fun about it, getting comfortable. i think his actions say he's interested but shy. and why is that bad. cause so are you...

Nina said...

maybe you like drunk amanda because she's a lot less analytical. maybe you should be more like her and just chill out. don't think so much about his awkward, like yw said..but also...try to think up topics like the music thing to engage in and not just dwell on the awkwardness.