Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ode To My Momma!

So, still depressed. Today's cheer up method (see previous post) includes the watching of girly teen drama series. Gilmore Girls all the way! This allowed me to reminisce about when I first started watching this show at about 16 yrs old. I wanted to get knocked up specifically to have the same relationship with my potential daughter that Lorelei has with Rory. All the while chatting it up with the sexy diner owner. Obviously this didn't happen, otherwise this blog would not be about the sexual escapades and drunken shenanigans in my life. The truth is though, I think I have a similar relationship with my mom than the Gilmore gal's. Okay, perhaps we aren't so quick witted or clever and we're both without the amazingly great metabolism but my mom is, without a doubt, my best friend.

I talk to my mom about a lot of things, the only thing I leave out is the sex stuff (she doesn't want to know). If I have a bad day, I call my mom. If I have a good day, I call my mom. If something mediocre-exciting happens, I call my mom. If she needs to vent about work, my brother or anything, she calls me. I trust her and depend on her. She encourages me more than anyone else in my life and I'm grateful for it.

My dad hasn't really been that encouraging or anything like that. I am a lot like my dad though. We have the same weird sense of humor, stubbornness, and temper. We both find the stupidest shit amusing. My dad and I don't really get along that well. Sometimes we do but it's rare. We both have to be in a goofy mood and that's a rare occurrence. But my mom, my mom is always there. We rarely fight and when we do it doesn't last long.

The truth is though, I can't let my mom in on the fact that I'm bummed out right now. She gets really worried about me and I don't want her to worry. I just feel really alone right now. I don't really want to talk to my friends about it. I just want to talk to my mom, I just don't want her to worry.

Anyways, this post is supposed to be all about my mom's amazing awesomeness! She truly is just the best. I'm really lucky to have the mom that I do.


ColeyMarie said...

So. True story, I am naming my first born daughter Lorelei. Also true story? I have the same relationship with my mom that you have with yours, and the same relationship with my dad that you have with yours. I talk to my mom at least once a day, and if I don't call her, she gets worried and calls me at midnight to make sure I'm okay.

I too, find it hard to tell my mom when I'm feeling down or depressed, because yeah, she still worries, and then it stresses me out that she's worried, and it stresses her out that she's 5 hours away from me. Although, the one time I truly needed her, and told her that, she made the trip in just under 4 so yeah...pretty amazing herself.

I'm sorry you're feeling down right now, and hope that things start looking up soon.

And some parting Lorelei wisdom?

"Oy with the poodles already."

It's Amanda Yo! said...

Nicole, have I mentioned that I think we are long lost sisters? Haha! I seriously considered naming my daughter Lorelei as well. And those Midnight-I-Haven't-Heard-From-You-All-Day-And-Now-I'm-Worried Mom calls...they never get old, do they?