Sunday, February 8, 2009

What the hell is the point?

What is the point in having a boyfriend if you're too busy to really spend any actual time together. I mean sure Geoff and I have hung out quite a bit but at the expense of my school work. I'm getting all my shit done, but I'm totally half assing it. I've already considered dropping a class next semester in order to have more time. I've put the whole kickboxing thing on the back burner as well. I do not want to be this kind of girl.

Why do boys automatically become the center of our universe. I am doing well with juggling work, school, staying fit and healthy but then throw a boy in the mix and I'm in a constant state of anxiety that I'm either not going to have enough time for him or I'm not going to have enough time for my regular every day junk.

Having a boyfriend is proving to be more taxing then I remember. Maybe it's because the last boyfriend I had, had me in a constant state of depression where all I had to worry about was work and trying not to piss him off. It was easier for me to just go home and plop myself down in front of a tv. Now I feel like if I sit down to watch some tv I'm being irresponsible. I should be studying so when I do have time to hang out with boyfriend, I won't have to worry about how I should be studying.

Oy ve!


JaeSpenc said...

Haha-- they ARE very time consuming. And it sounds likeyou have quite alot of 'stuff' on your plate as is... Finding that balance is hard... but I'm sure you will... and it'll be SO rewarding


Good Luck w/ everything

Niki said...

"Why do boys automatically become the center of our universe."

Because we're so scared of losing them, or not having them around so we obsess to the point of exhaustion.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem, girly! Boys being the center of the universe. Don't drop a class. School is way more important than a dude. Nicki is right. You're scared of losing him. But, u can make time and do everything you need to do as well. You have to find balance and prioritize and no procrastinating!

Young woman on a journey said...

its all about balance. i agree with the comments before. you just have to make sure don't lose yourself or sacrifice other things. its about incorporating something new into your life without slipping on other things!