Monday, April 20, 2009


So remember back at the beginning of the year I made a new year's resolution post? Well here's an update. I've been pretty good with sticking to my budget but everything else has been basically ignored. I have been to the gym twice since the new year. I haven't been doing my training program for the 10km at all. Today I finally started it! Oh it was so nice to actually run. I couldn't run for long periods of time but that's what the training program is for. Now I just gotta keep it up.

I'm teetering on the 120lb line. The day the scale hits 119lb is going to be the most happy day of my life! I do have to say though, my gut is not getting any smaller...I mean how much more weight do I have to lose to not have this belly anymore? I can't possibly lose that much more weight, I mean anything below 110lbs seems way too low even at my height. I just think there is way more than 9lbs of fat in my gut.

Anyways, I fully intend on doing my pilates video tomorrow and then back on the treadmill on Wednesday. This is me, holding myself accountable.


ColeyMarie said...

ugh, i'm the same way in that no matter how much weight i lose, i still have what i like to call my fake baby bump. Yay for reaching 120/119 though! That's definitely happy...but yeah, I'll be on you if you drop down to double digits.

just saying.

Completely unrelated but did you catch the awesomeness of OTH last night and Peyton's totally believable, yet not tragic at all car crash? Trust me, I didn't spoil anything if you didn't :)

It's Amanda Yo! said...

Damn straight I caught it! The crash itself kinda freaked me out a little. I hope baby makes it out okay.