Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Whole New Low

We might be writing DB off as a friend. I'm not going to get into all the details, it's more or less just standing up for my girls but the intensity of disgust I feel towards him right now is pretty high.

I will say that Girl Version and I have turned into pretty good friends. She's got a kind heart and obviously would stand up for any and all of her friends. After they broke though, DB and I hung out more often. Nothing inappropriate happened, just friends. Occasionally I was reminded why I disliked him some of the time, but for the most part he was a decent friend. He came over on Sunday for a bbq...he told me about this girl he's smitten over. I've never heard him used the word smitten before and he seemed generally excited about her so I was excited for him. Until of course he drops the bomb..."yah Girl Version actually introduced us." I'm sorry, what did you say? You're going to put the moves on your ex girlfriend's friend? I said "is that really cool? I mean, you guys broke up not too long ago and we both know that it wasn't her idea." He gave me a dirty look and then shrugged.

I said, "DB, this is so against the rules, c'mon now." "Girl Version isn't like that. She won't care. And besides this girl has a boyfriend anyways," he responds. I love how he justifies everything for the sake of getting laid. I laughed, I know him so well, "like her having a boyfriend would stop you." He replies, "haha you're right. It wouldn't stop me. The boyfriend factor should only stop her, and seriously, who can resist me." Oh the arrogance (but it's true, he's nearly impossible to resist!)

I tell him again that I think what he's doing isn't right, not without talking to Girl Version first. I thought I had gotten through to him. Later on in the evening I see a bit of an angry FB status from Girl Version. I text her and ask if she's okay. She said, "I'm alright but DB and my friendship will never be alright ever again." An hour later, I had heard every disgusting, douchebag, sneaky, manipulative thing he'd pulled in their relationship, and going after her best friend is nothing compared to the other things. I literally was shaking with anger and disgust. I felt disgusted that I had even spent time with him earlier. I really don't want to go into all the details because despite that this is an anonymous blog, what she told me was incredibly personal and I don't feel like it's something that needs to be aired to whomever reads the blog. Trust me when I tell you that it's despicable.

I'm pretty worried about running into him because he will most definitely get an earful from me. I don't think I could hold back. I always knew that he used women for sex, but I never knew to what extent and how manipulative he could be. Obviously the boy has issues, and one of these days those issues are going to catch up to him. The most ridiculous thing is, Girl Version said towards the end of our conversation. "I just needed a little more time. If they gave me a little more time and talked to me about it, I would have set them up!" Smh


Young woman on a journey said...

girl version seems cool as hell. while you didn't give details, i can only imagine what could be worse than your recent ex trying to get together with your best friend. (shaking my head). he'll get his. we hope!

Felicia|DaLipstickBandit said...


i just dont know what to say...i'm with yw...he will get his!