Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Needs

So I was thinking about what I needed in a guy (relationship-wise) and what my deal breakers here's the start of the list. Keep in mind, things can (and probably will) be added, removed or altered at anytime I see fit.

Amanda's Top 10 Needs (most of them are emotional/mental/personality type thing. I'm not a shallow person. I appreciate a hot guy but it's not necessary, if I like your personality you are officially hot in my books)
1. Make me laugh. It's not as easy as you think.

2. Ambition. I want a guy that's got ambition to do something with his life. Even if he doesn't know what the fuck it is yet, he's just gotta have some ideas. Double points if he does know and is in some way working towards that.

3. Responsible...for the most part.

4. Appreciates a good lazy night/day. I really don't want a guy that wants to be on the run or partying all the time; I want someone that will watch movie upon movie with me on an occasional Friday and not feel like he's been jipped.

5. SEX! I need someone that's on the same sex-page as me. I don't want once a week sex; I want spontaneous sex and lots of it. Come home from work and push me up against a wall sex, wake me up in the middle of the night sex, call in sick to work and fuck all day sex...okay, you get the point. I just don't want "well it's Wednesday, day of sex, better shave/bathe and put on the sexy underwear and grin and bear it for 7 minutes" kinda sex.

6. Honesty - this one is obvious.

7. Has the ability to apologize. Seriously, if you're gonna be an ass (which of course you are entitled to occasionally) at least recognize and apologize for it (sincerely).

8. Know that I will not apologize for something I'm not sorry for (*ahem* calling you out on being an ass). That's right, I'm tough as nails.

9. Accept that despite my tough as nails personality, I will cry at silly commercials, shows and movies. I enjoy stupid teen drama series and girly teen movies. Deal with it, I'm not going to make you watch it, I just expect that you won't tease me about it (at least not in public). I will accept your love of martial arts, war and stupid action flicks in return.

10. Just accept me for who I am. Don't try to change me, I won't try to change you.

Part 2 (probably tomorrow) will be my list of needs in a Friend with Benefits and my list of Deal Breakers.


Nina said...

pretty self-explanatory. i don't think you're asking for too much.