Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Years Eve!!!

I feel like I should have something excellent to say to end off the year. But I don't. I've been considering the potential for the awkward New Years kiss moment. There's a good chance that I'll be kissless and DB will, of course, kiss Girl Version and BFF1 could possibly be kissing her man-crush. But who will Amanda kiss...a random? I'm not sure I want to kiss some random guy standing next to me, I think that's weird. I've decided that I'll probably make sure to go outside and smoke a few minutes before the count down. This could save me from potential awkwardness and embarrassment.

I am also really tired tonight and the idea of ditching everyone and going to bed super early. How fucked up is that? This is my first chance to actually party hard on New Years and it's also my last chance to party for a while so I should probably chug a red bull and get my ass in gear.


P said...

So did you get a kiss at midnight???

I didn't. That being said, there was only two guys at our "party" - one of them was taken and the other is just a friend. So unless I snogged one of my female flatmates, there wasn't really going to be much of a chance of me getting a kiss anyway . . .

Happy New Year!

It's Amanda Yo! said...

BFF1 was my New Years kiss!